Wednesday, January 2, 2008

first aliquot factor found by SAGE ECM interface

Paul Zimmermann ( reports:

The SAGE ECM interface found a first factor of the aliquot sequence starting
from 552:

remains 23648161798622140141259448258749760352819524456141488104537419990481892694930432002158957619604181055633215274583954462907657503167424176909 (140 digits)
found factor by ecm: 58417195751812372006463994075468288063413 with parameters {'poly': 'Dickson(6)', 'sigma': '300411371', 'B1': '3990569', 'B2': '8561602150'}
Other nice factors will surely follow.

An aliquot sequence is simply the iteration of the function n -> sigma(n)-n,
where sigma(n) is the "sum of divisors" function. One open question from
Catalan is whether this sequence always converges to 1 (or to a cycle). The
first to perform extensive computations on aliquot sequences was Lehmer, who
found that all sequences starting from n <= 1000 converge, except perhaps
n=276, 552, 564, 660 and 966. These are the "Lehmer five" sequences. Since
several years, together with other people, I try to extend these Lehmer five
sequences. The main difficulty is that to compute sigma(n), you have to
factor n. For the current large numbers we encounter (150-160 digits) we use
a combination of different algorithms (ECM, QS, NFS). I have now converted
to SAGE the script that (tries to) extend aliquot sequences. The above
factorization is a first success of the new script.